Hey St. Paul's family!
We are coming into the Reason for the Season, as they say! Celebrating the birth of our Lord and King, Jesus Christ!
Check below for something exciting and we hope to see you there!
Don't forget to download this month's Epistle below.
Some highlights include:
CHRISTMAS PAGEANT AND CELEBRATION: Family Connect is hosting our Children's Christmas Pageant and Celebration; a joyful and fun time celebrating the birth of our Lord! We hope you can join us!
CHRISTMAS EVE'S SERVICE is on the 24th and at 5 PM. We hope you can join us as St. Paul's family come together to worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
EXPLORE ST. PAUL'S FAMILY'S VISION: A brief summary of becoming a family and it's breakthrough journey into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and one another.