Pastor Doug's Page: Pastor Doug shares how every believer and every church was made for more and made to be "mobilized", made for active service in moving with Christ's mission forward in the world, made to Connect People. Transform Lives.
Fresh Expressions | Future Church Summit: What will the "new normal" look like for churches after the pandemic? The crises of 2020 have accelerated the need for churches to "future-fit" for our new world. Our congregation needs insight as we begin to craft our strategy for our congregation for 2021 and the future. Future Church Summit brings futurists and missional practitioners alongside us to chart a course for the road ahead. We will come together to participate in this engaging journey this February! Sign up today!
Outreach: Read the impact of all of us who were able to donate pantry items and support our local communities, like Inez Elementary! We invite you to find your opportunity to #EngageMission together with our Dinner Church Team by visiting