To the loving congregation of St. Paul's,
I am deeply joyful, humbled, and honored to serve as your interim Senior Pastor. When I first met you in March of 2021, I knew without a doubt that St. Paul's was where I needed to be. Over the past two years, the Holy Spirit has continued to affirm my calling to be with you and my love for this church has grown deeper as I have gotten to know you. As my role now shifts to interim Senior Pastor, you can be confident in my continual communion with God as I turn to Him for inspiration, direction, and leadership. This is not a journey that we walk alone, therefore I encourage you to join me in seeking God's guidance through ongoing prayer for our church, our staff, and those whom we are called to reach.
May the love of God become and remain vibrantly alive in our hearts as we seek to know Him and be transformed in His image.
The past several years have brought uniquely challenging circumstances not only to our world, but also to us personally at St. Paul's.
Amidst pandemic related stress, leadership changes, and challenges within our denomination, our footing has certainly felt unsteady at times. Those feelings are real, valid and understood by our Heavenly Father. My hope is that we are able to find renewed rest within the stability of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, our rock and our redeemer, because we are never alone, forsaken, or abandoned. God has always been and will always be with the people of St. Paul's. May we hold onto these unwavering the move forward with our eyes perpetually on the cross.
My hope is that we are able to find renewed rest within the stability of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, our rock and our redeemer, because we are never alone, forsaken, or abandoned. God has always been and will always be with the people of St. Paul's.
Isaiah 43:18-19 reminds us "Do not dwell on the past: See, I am doing a new thing Now It springs ve you not perceive it?"
This is a new chapter in the story of our church and I am eager to see how God intends to fill these pages. May the love of God become and remain vibrantly alive in our hearts as we seek to know Him and be transformed in His image.
Let us walk this journey together and trust that our Lord will lead us well.
In Christ's Peace,
Rev Mary Ward Interim Senior Pastor