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Change to Staffing by Bill Gordon

A special message from your outgoing Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) Chair.

Greetings, this note is from your outgoing Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) Chair.

The SPRC is entrusted with 17 explicit responsibilities from The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church. One of those responsibilities is to recommend to the Church Council the staff positions needed to carry out the work of the church. To this end, we have recommended a new role in the church, a Fresh Expressions Leader. While our search process continues for this missional role with a purpose of expanding God's kingdom, we have made several changes over the past year and several additional changes in 2021.

  • In Late January 2020, we hired Andrew Ward as our Flame Worship Leader. We are grateful for the services he has provided for the Flame Worship and wish him success in his future endeavors.

  • Knowing that Mr. Ward has been seeking employment to better advance and match his personal life and career growth. Pastor Doug initiated a search for a New Worship Leader for the Flame. Colleen Sample connected us to her friend, Lauren Dekleva. We made the hiring decision for Lauren Dekleva on August 25, 2020, as our Flame Worship Leader. Her prior experience from her personal and professional life from leading worship at Belmont University to the worship she stewards and leads now is invaluable for maintenance and development of the Flame Worship service.

  • On June 20th 2020, St. Paul's accepted Nancy Montoya's resignation. Nancy had previously served as our Nursery Coordinator and most recently was serving as one of two nursery workers in the church. Nancy will be missed in her service to the children of St. Paul's. The SPRC have chosen not to back-fill this position at this time.

  • The SPRC, through Pastor Doug and in coordination with Yvonne Boron have shifted Yvonne Boron's role from Director of Christian Education and Children's Ministry to something closer to Director of Dinner Church and Coordinator of Sunday Children's Ministry. This will call for more initiation of Children's Ministry (Vacation Bible School, weekday ministry childcare, etc. by parental/lay leader ship in the congregation.

  • At the end of 2020 we eliminated the Custodial Position at St. Paul's UMC. Anthony Como has served St. Paul's faithfully for over 16 years and he will be missed by all that knew him. Prior to this layoff the SPRC voted on a severance policy that would provide employees with essentially 1 week of pay for every year of service up to 12 weeks total. This would only become effective after five total years of service at St. Paul's. The full language of the severance policy is being incorporated into the employee manual.

  • The SPRC recommended for Church Council approval a contract with Mr. James Darling's Company for Janitorial services. This will shift a few actions within the church. Mr. Darling can only do what is in the contract with the church. While this does include set-up and take down of chairs on an as needed basis, it will require more advance notification. Policies for coordinating with Mr. Darling for congregational needs will be provided to the congregation by Pastor Doug and Mr. Darling in the next 2 months.

Yours in Christ,

Bill Gordon

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