Romans 12: 4-5 "For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another."
Victoria and I are thrilled, and honored, to begin serving Jesus Christ with our St. Paul's family, once again. We were very blessed to have been with you starting in December 1993 through June 1997. Rev. Gerald White encouraged me to become your Youth Ministry Director, work with the LOGOS mid-week ministry, and later to become an Associate Pastor and including the Christian Education ministry to my duties.
We come back to you now following nine years serving across town with the wonderful congregation of Covenant UMC. We grew to love and be loved by these people of God and will miss those relationships while building new ones, and rekindling older ones, at St. Paul's. Since we were with you, we also have served at Sacramento Camp and Conference Center, Cross of the Hills UMC in El Paso, First UMC in Roscoe Texas and First UMC in Tahoka, Texas.
Our first time at St. Paul's was a wonderful time for our young family. We were loved and supported as we became a newly called pastoral ministry family.
Jeremy, our oldest is now a cotton farmer in Roscoe, Texas married to Eden, owner of a hair salon, and gifted us with two of our amazing granddaughters, Jaycee (14) and Elyn (11). Christopher is a full-time professional musician living in Las Cruces married to Paige, a Medical Assistant, and gifted us with our other wonderful granddaughter, Alexis (17). Vanessa is managing their own creative media business in Austin, Texas married to Levi, a videographer for Texas Methodist Foundation, and sharing their lives as foster parents, currently of a very cute baby boy, of which we are proud foster grandparents.
I am grateful for this new opportunity to join with this passionate and gifted staff, committed leadership and faithful serving congregation. I fully expect and believe that the Ho people of St. Paul's to be fruitful in bringing the presence of Jesus Christ to our neighbors. I challenge us to "be" and "make" disciples in every, and whatever way God may place in our path.
I also want to join with you in personally thanking Rev. Jim Hawk for his service as your Interim Pastor. Jim and Jean are important people to Victoria and I including opening their home and lives to us, as well as Jim officiating at our wedding. Jim has, and remains, a spiritual and pastoral mentor, long-time ministry colleague, and friend. We pray for God's continued blessings upon them.
In the Grace of Christ,
Pastor Vernon