To my dear friends at St. Paul’s,
More than anything else, my time with you has been like a healing balm to the soul. When I first met you in March of 2021, I knew this is where God was leading me. When my life took
unexpected twists and turns shortly after, it took a little bit longer for me to get here than I had originally hoped. Thankfully, God was still orchestrating my move to live and serve among you in the Land of Enchantment and I officially arrived in Albuquerque on December 27, 2021.
I know the work is not yet finished, but God’s Spirit is blowing wildly among us and I have no doubt this will continue in the years ahead.
The past two and a half years have been full of just as many twists and turns in our church life as in my personal life, but we have successfully navigated all of them together. I am proud to celebrate with you the many problem-solving strategies that have been successful, largely due to the incredible church leaders and prayer warriors who have faithfully contributed to the steadying of our ship amidst the stormy seas. Challenges have been faced head-on and there has been growing unity among those of you who continue to call St. Paul’s “home.” I know the work is not yet finished, but God’s Spirit is blowing wildly among us and I have no doubt this will continue in the years ahead.
What a gift it has been to serve a church with such mutually deep love, care, and support. It has been a blessing to serve as the first female Senior Pastor at St. Paul’s and I will treasure that honor for the rest of my life. I pray that the work we accomplished together has planted the seeds for many more years of fruitful ministry and for your personal growth in Christ. As I write this letter, I am grateful that my time at St. Paul’s is not yet finished, but I know that time is quickly approaching. Although I am moving on to serve the next church, I will cherish each of you in my heart and remember you in my prayers long after I go.
May each of us be continually sanctified as we grow in Christ’s love and holiness. John Wesley wrote a prayer of consecration that I would like to leave with you:
“O Lord, may nothing dwell in my soul
But your pure love alone.
Till my every thought, word, and act be love.
Yes Lord, may your love posses me whole;
You’re my joy, my treasure, my crown!”
May the Lord bless you and keep you, all the days of your life.
In Christ’s Abundant Love and Peace,
Rev. Mary Ward, Senior Pastor